Dear clerical hospital workers at Sick Kids:


When you are organized with CUPE you have more power to win:

  • Annual wage increases including retroactivity, fair wage grids, benefit improvements, job security and seniority rights;
  • HOOPP Pension Plan;
  • The strongest job security protection of any health care union in Ontario;
  • Fair and transparent policies on promotions, job assignments and hiring process.
  • Involvement in decision making processes that affect your working conditions.
  • The ability to negotiate protection against excessive workloads and other changes to reduce stress in the workplace.
  • Platform for equal representation that contributes to a workplace culture built on respect and fairness.

CUPE represents the majority of clerical and service hospital workers in Ontario, with over 46,000 Clerks, Admin Assistants, Secretaries, and other hospital staff. At Sick Kids, CUPE Local 2816 represents the service workers. All of the non-union clerical workers, with the exception of management, can join CUPE.

There are many advantages to being a member of CUPE, a strong, democratic union. One of the biggest is never having to face your employer alone.

A union is YOU and your CO-WORKERS coming together to improve your working conditions. Together with your co-workers you will have the ability to decide what aspects of your job need to change for the better. Without a union contract, the employer can change the terms and conditions of your employment by themselves at any time.